Obituary for
Sadie B. Weathers
Sadie Brazil Weathers quietly and peacefully went home to glory on Wednesday, February 13, 2013, under the care of the wonderful staff at Henry Ford Hospital. Her Celebration Service will be held at Renaissance Baptist Church, 1045 E. Grand Blvd, Detroit, Ml, beginning at 10:30 A.M. on Saturday, February 23, 2013.
Sadie was born May 3, 1932 in Midway, AL. She graduated from Selma University in 1952, earning an Associate Degree in Psychology. Upon her graduation, she moved to Detroit and made the historic Second Baptist Church her church home.
Later, she met and married her husband, Francis (Frank) Weathers, Sr. and from this union, three children were born, Frank Jr., Dale Ramond, and Beverly Joyce. In addition to being a wife and mother, she was employed at Barthwell Drugs, at one time the largest black-owned drugstore chain in the United States, Seward Drugs, and J.L. Hudson, where she retired in 1994.
Sadie was a sweet, loving, kind, nurturing, caring and strong woman. She had a passion for cooking and baking; Betty Crocker had nothing on her. The kitchen was her domain. In there, she worked her magic and worshiped the Lord daily, for she truly loved Him with all her heart. In 1982, she and her family joined Renaissance Baptist Church where she became a charter member and faithfully served as a devout Sunday school teacher and Faith Worker, until her illness in 2008.